Meet Wilhelm. This guy was found as a stray and its clear he had been on the streets for a long time. His dirty, matted coat and tick infested body … Continued
Monkey came into the shelter in rough shape. One look at him and it was clear he had spent the first part of his young life deprived of medical care … Continued
Henderson was found lying on the street – he was on the verge of death. His skeletal body was brought to the shelter where they sent out an email blast … Continued
We saw Turducken’s photo at the Lancaster shelter. She was emaciated and totally shut down. It was clear her former life had been one of neglect and sadness. We wanted … Continued
Sweet Lollipop. We took one look at her sad, dejected face and knew we wanted to help. Lollipop was adopted from the shelter – and returned a few months later … Continued
We received a call about a hoarding situation. The person in questions apparently had 20 plus poodle mixes living in one room, covered in filth and totally neglected. We were … Continued
Peaches (and Cream) were surrendered to the shelter in a cardboard box. They were both covered in ticks and fleas and were just a few hours from becoming critical due … Continued
We kept seeing a plea go out on Facebook for this adorable terrier boy. Though we love helping the medical dogs -we had just taken on some serious cases and … Continued
Her photo says it all. We rescued Lyric from the Riverside shelter. She was turned in there in horrific condition – with mange so severe she could not even open … Continued
We first saw Milton at the Carson shelter. He was so depressed he could not – would not walk. We actually thought he was paralyzed at first but the shelter … Continued