Meet Bee. She is a 3.5 month old Shepherd/Lab (best guess) mix. She and her orphaned siblings were rescued from Mexico. We think she will be around 55-60 lbs at … Continued
Saltana is a 4 month old Pitbull puppy full of curiosity. She is smart, and friendly and a quick learner. She does well with all dogs and would probably be … Continued
Adelaide was surrendered to us by her previous family who did not seem to even know she was a female. She probably spent the first part of life in a … Continued
Twizzler is a 4 year old blue brindle pitbull mix who we rescued from an abusive situation in Tijuana. Despite her rough start she does not hold a grudge. She … Continued
KitKat is a 2 year old pointer / pitbull mix who we rescued from an abusive situation in Tijuana. Despite her rough start she does not hold a grudge. She … Continued
Meet Arnou. This soulful dog was rescued from the desert where he lived as a stray – hustling to find food. About a year ago he was hit by a … Continued