
You guys know how much I love animals (and especially my rescue pup, Maverick!), so today I wanted to
chat with Sasha Abelson, President of Love Leo – an amazing dog rescue based in Los Angeles. I’ve
talked about how great Love Leo Rescue is before, but there are a few aspects of animal adoption (and
dogs, specifically) that people might not know or understand. Here are Sasha’s top three things to know
when it comes to dog adoption…
1-) Some rescues focus on dogs that need “extra help.” Perhaps that means the dog(s) have
serious injuries and need costly medical care, or perhaps they are shy and/or fearful and need a
patient home and time to learn and trust their new owners. If you’re open to adopting a dog that
needs extra help, make sure to do your research and find a rescue that specializes in that.
2-) Many rescues spends hundreds, even thousands of dollars on ONE single dog. Helping each
dog with medical or behavioral issues and getting them ready for a forever home is sometimes an
expensive task. The adoption fee rarely covers the amount of money that rescues spend on that
single animal. That said, if you’re thinking about adopting a dog (or even if you’re not!) consider
doing a monthly donation to one of these rescues. Even a small amount like $5 or $10 a month
can make a BIG impact.
3-) Some people think that rescue groups are “too picky.” In reality, most rescues just want to
pair up the right dog with the right home to make sure it’s a “forever” home. If a dog is too much
of a couch potato for an active family (or visa versa), it’s not going to be a good match and rescue groups would rather say no and wait for the right situation. This protects the animal as well as the